D365 CRM: Configure Relevance/Dataverse Search in Dynamics CRM

  • In Dynamics 365, there is a feature called Dataverse Search (previously known as Relevance Search), which allows a user to search Dynamics 365 data and have it displayed in order of relevance. This feature is powered by Azure Search and uses the same scoring concepts.
    To enable Dataverse Search, go to https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/, select your environment and go to Settings, click on Features, look for Dataverse search and turn ON:


    Then go to Dynamics CRM and in the top center of the header enter a word to search in your entity records:
    This will display a result of all the records by entity that contains that word in the fields that you configured in the Quick Find View of the entity. There are some common fields, that are part of every table in CRM, which are part of the Dataverse Search index by default. Some examples of common fields are:
    •    ownerid (Name of lookup)
    •    owningbusinessunit (Name of lookup)
    •    statecode (Label of optionset)
    •    statuscode (Label of optionset)
    •    name (Primary name field of any table. This may or may not be the same as the logical name (fullname, subject, and so on) of the table.)

    You can click in the top panel which entity to display:


    In the right you can expand the Filter panel with the ability to filter further:


    To ensure which entities are used by the Dataverse Search, you need to use the legacy solution explorer (if you using Power Apps US Government environment). Go to Customizations and select Entities. You will see Configure Dataverse Search:


    Here you can add and remove entities that use Dataverse Search:


    Take a look of the bottom bar, you have a limit of fields to index in your environment.

    Original Source:

    Official Documentation:

    Enjoy it!

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